Tuesday, October 3, 2017

I'd Like to Be...

With all of the preparations for our Progress Show of The Influence and Inspiration Project at The Pot Shop this Saturday, October 7th I've gotten behind on post my latest pieces. So just to give you another tempting preview of what you'll see this weekend... here's my latest.

Susan gave me this assemblage piece which came off of my mask (visit https://theinfluenceandinspirationproject.wordpress.com to see that pairing). In this piece I had the feeling of someone looking at me or some type of feeling of a reflection. I was also very taken with the octopus tendrils.

So, I decided to make an octopus looking in a mirror. The glaze came out looking really amazing and it might be my favorite piece so far in the series. 

I hope you can come this Saturday and see the show!
Please share this with your friends who will enjoy it and feel free to leave a comment.

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