Thursday, March 25, 2010

There I Fixed It

In the DIY spirit I decided to do something about the hole in my ceiling. Carpentry is not my thing so I thought I'd go about filling it a different way. Having made the hole by a slip of my foot it seemed right to fill the hole with a foot. Much better!


  1. this is way too perfect! makes me want to put a foot through my ceiling...though usually, I have to say, my foot winds up in my mouth.

    I'm so glad to have found your blog and website. I visit Philo often and so enjoy your work that I see in the Pot Shop. I've never had the coincidence of being there when it was open, though. Now I've discovered your work is being shown right down the street from my home in Petaluma. I'm going to have to blab about this on my blog!

  2. I'm so glad you found my blog! Let me know next time you're coming to Philo and I'll give you my schedule so you'll know when I'm going to be 'open by coincidence'. The foot through the ceiling really is worth a visit in person.
